Bladder, Bowel and Stoma Handbook

The essential guide to product selection

Budesonide (Budenofalk)

Dr Falk




Mild-to-moderate CD affecting the ileum and/or ascending colon; microscopic colitis; mild to moderate active colitis; UC affecting sigmoid colon and rectum. Suitable for adults and children over 12 years


Infection; liver problems; history of stomach ulcers or tuberculosis; mental health problems (depression/psychosis); hypertension; glaucoma/cataracts; diabetes; osteoporosis. Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless necessary. Increased risk of infections including severe shingles, chickenpox and measles. Can slow growth in children. | Potential side effects: stomach pain or indigestion; muscle pain; headache; skin reaction; oral thrush

Preparations Available

Oral tablet (including slow-release)/capsule/granules; rectal foam and enema


Dose: Three times daily for 8 weeks, reduce gradually over 2 weeks

Sizes Available

2mg foam enema (14), £57.11; 3mg capsules (100), £75.05; 9mg sachet (60), £135.00


2mg foam enema (14), £57.11; 3mg capsules (100), £75.05; 9mg sachet (60), £135.00

More on: Corticosteroids