Bladder, Bowel and Stoma Handbook

The essential guide to product selection

Adalimumab (Humira)



Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) antagonist (anti-TNF)


Moderate-to-severely active CD or UC in adults and children over 6 years


Moderate or severe heart failure; severe infections. Do not initiate until active infections are controlled. Risk of exacerbation of demyelinating disorders. Evaluate for active and latent tuberculosis before treatment. Only use in pregnancy if benefits outweigh risks. | Potential side effects: Low white blood cell count; alopecia; anaemia; asthma; chest pain; cough; dehydration; anxiety; depression; breathing difficulty; changes in heart rate; eye inflammation; fever; headache; high blood sugar; high blood pressure; insomnia; muscle spasms; musculoskeletal pain; nausea and vomiting; renal impairment; vertigo; coagulation, connective and nerve disorders. Associated with increased risk of infection, including tuberculosis, septicaemia and hepatitis B reactivation.

Preparations Available

Subcutaneous injection


Dose: Initially 80–160mg, reducing to 40–80mg (weekly or twice weekly) after 2 weeks. Review if no response within 8–12 weeks.

Sizes Available

20mg/0.2ml for pre-filled syringe (2), £352.14; 40mg/0.4ml (2) pre-filled and disposable, £794.28


20mg/0.2ml for pre-filled syringe (2), £352.14; 40mg/0.4ml (2) pre-filled and disposable, £794.28

More on: Biologics